Episode 63 – Burrito Dealbreakers

We’re back! Our audio quality isn’t great as we’re even more remote than normal, but this is the episode is crucial to understanding Megan’s fanaticism around condiments. We also talk about California and the game Startups, but no es el tema principal aquí.

Episode 57 – Pocket Rocket League

We finished talked about a convention less than a month after it happened! That must be some kind of record for us. We had a lot of fun at PAX East, even if we had about divergent experiences. Tune in to learn about the barrage of panels that Steven went to, and which ones really stood out!

Episode 56 – The Charmin Charmer

We’re back from an unintentional hiatus, and have finally finished with the craziness of PAX and Steven’s month-long journey through Europe (not to be confused with Megan’s Journey Through Europe). While Steven is already off exploring other conventions that we don’t get time to talk about this episode, we’re able to cover baby showers, Sushi Dice, Fax Machine / Telephone Pictionary / Telestrations, and Megan: the Charmin Charmer.

Episode 50 – Where Megan realizes her girlfriend is cool

We continue debriefing about MAGFest, with a cameo from Smath stealing some of the thunder from the panel that Megan, Caitlin, and their friend Carrie hosted: LGBT+ Gaming – Where we are, where we can go, and how we can get there. Tune in to hear how it went!

Episode 40 – The Rental Service Episode

Part of the fun in not planning a strict episode script is seeing where conversations will take you, and feeling free to follow them as far as they’ll go. What starts out as a brief mention about Megan finishing up Suikoden and beginning Legend of Dragoon turns into a discussion about turn-based battle systems with reflex rewards, renting games repeatedly, then covering all manner of rental services: video games, movies, and even Legos! We slip in an overview of Riot Games’ first board game Mechs vs Minions, but honestly (and strangely,) this episode is mostly about rental services.

(Unfortunately, SwagBucks is no longer offering the $10 moneymaker deal for a 2-month Gamefly subscription. But we’ll let you know if it ever returns!)

Episode 38 – Amazon outed Megan’s girlfriend

Here at Swag Tier, we only loosely plan our topics, roughly budget time for each within a 30-minute episode, then go for it. We wanted to talk about the Megan’s playtest of Thornwatch (5 minutes), her Black Beauty revelation (5 minutes), Steven’s trip weeklong to Puerto Rico (10 minutes), then Megan’s first Rennaisance Faire (10 minutes). But this episode is a classic example of how much we (don’t) care about those marks. We’re 20 minutes into the episode before we even start in on Puerto Rico, and ignore any sights to focus in on Steven missing his flight. Classic Swag Tier.

Episode 33 – The passive aggressive art of cleaning up

In the latest episode of Swag Tier, Steven recaps his adventures at the 2016 Boston Festival of Indie Games, otherwise known as Boston FIG.  Tune in to hear about:

  • Steven’s top 5 Boston FIG games, Sad Hill Cemetery, Stage Fright, Insane Traffic, Ten Candles, and Clean Up Your Room!;
  • Megan’s mom’s terrible driving;
  • the origin of last episode’s big debate, “easy as pie;”
  • and Megan’s (crazy) neighbor’s passive aggressive attempts to get her to clean her messy house.

Other mentions:

Episode 13 – PAX East 2016, aka memes come from the internet

In this episode, Megan and Steven begin to recap their adventures at PAX East 2016.  Tune in to hear the lowdown on:

  • Quiplash, an “all fill-in-the-blanks version of Cards Against Humanity”
  • Hot pink “cuddlestaches” given out by the ride sharing app Lyft
  • Steven’s affinity for chatting up strangers in line for convention panels by conveniently whipping out board games (and probably snacks) from his backpack
  • Where Ceiling Cat originated
  • Another action-packed developer demo of Red Flags
  • Joey’s (and Megan’s) collection of unopened/unplayed board games
  • Megan’s latest obsession with the match-3 indie game Tumblestone

Episode 6 – No more USB chargers, b*tches!

Tune in to episode 6 to hear about:


Episode 5 – Journey Through Drive-Thru

In which we discuss:

  • snake weaves,
  • whether peacock feathers go on your head or your butt,
  • Journey Through Europe, an awful game that requires defacing your game board,
  • leaving your driver’s-side mirror at a McDonald’s drive-thru,
  • Steven’s non-gaming convention curiosity getting shut down by a slow and deliberate old lady,
  • whether Pokemon Black and White are real,
  • the Pokérap