Episode 72 – That’s What Apologies Are For

In this stage performance-heavy episode, we cover the Buffy in the Buff burlesque show in NYC and the Lovelyz concert at K-Content LA. Maybe we should have named this episode Buffy and Bias?

Episode 45 – Four degrees of separation

How many computer science graduates does it take to count degrees of separation between people? How much studying does it take to bring out regex jokes in normal conversation? How much do Ariana Grande tickets need to cost for Megan to realize it’s a ridiculous expense? Join us and find out!

Episode 17 – Pocket Card Jockey lets Megan ride “Prancin’ Pooperz”

This episode is all about horses. 100 horses. Turns out they’re not a red flag for Megan after all.

Pocket Card Jockey - Prancin Pooperz Pocket Card Jockey - Paradin Pooperz

We also confirm that no, Beyonce does not have a blog.