Episode 76 – A Changing Convention Landscape

Steven discusses some upcoming changes to his regularly scheduled convention programming, and this somehow leads into what it would take to get reinvested in an MMO.

Episode 70 – The Life-Changing Magic of Throwing Your Snake Out

When Marie Kondo advised her loyal fanbase to throw out anything that doesn’t spark joy, we’re pretty sure that didn’t include accidentally throwing out a beloved slithery family member. Join Megan and Steven in this episode of Swag Tier where they talk about lost (and found!) snakes and pooping in the forest.

Episode 68 – House Guests

Steven and Megan discuss some uninvited fuzzy house guests and a Korean culture convention/trade show scheduled for November that might turn out to be a scam.

Possum looking for his naked wings.
Raccoon hoping to partake in some naked wings as well.

Episode 59 – Swag Tier’s stamp of approval for Interphex

In this episode of Swag Tier, Steven talks about non-gaming conventions he has attended at Megan’s favorite convention center, the Jacob Javits Center.  Tune in to hear how Steven manages to learn about biomedical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, eat freshly baked cookies, and win contests all in one day!

INTERPHEX, the premier pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device development and manufacturing event where you can “Experience Science through Commercialization”.

New York Build Expo, the leading construction & design expo to focus exclusively on projects across New York City.

Episode 47 – Three Nipples Down

In this Pokemon-heavy episode of Swag Tier, Megan tells listeners about a bath bomb experience gone wrong, and Steven recaps a confrontational speed dating experience he had at New York Comic Con.  They also prove that their college degrees were not wasted dollars by doing math both correctly AND quickly for the first time on air.

Episode 39 – The girlfriend showdown

Join Megan and Steven as they demonstrate their world-class mathematical abilities, build hype for MAGFest 2017, and finally get around to discussing Megan’s first Renaissance Festival experience.  Other topics include:

  • donating (or not) to our alma mater;
  • Megan’s intense aversion to hipster headbands;
  • Megan and Steven’s “professional” opinions about Lolita;
  • why Megan will most likely be killed off after this episode airs.

Episode 33 – The passive aggressive art of cleaning up

In the latest episode of Swag Tier, Steven recaps his adventures at the 2016 Boston Festival of Indie Games, otherwise known as Boston FIG.  Tune in to hear about:

  • Steven’s top 5 Boston FIG games, Sad Hill Cemetery, Stage Fright, Insane Traffic, Ten Candles, and Clean Up Your Room!;
  • Megan’s mom’s terrible driving;
  • the origin of last episode’s big debate, “easy as pie;”
  • and Megan’s (crazy) neighbor’s passive aggressive attempts to get her to clean her messy house.

Other mentions:

Episode 32 – Baking semantics 101

Megan and Steven discuss the intricate differences between baking and broiling (read: we actually have no idea what we’re talking about).  Tune in to also hear about:

  • Steven’s pride in recognizing a kpop song played in public (twice!);
  • Megan’s hope to establish the Kpop Killers, a Kpop Academy Overwatch group;
  • better than mediocre recommendations for two great indie games, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Blade Ballet;
  • Megan’s money woes, which she plans to solve by suing an ex-girlfriend.

Episode 5 – Journey Through Drive-Thru

In which we discuss:

  • snake weaves,
  • whether peacock feathers go on your head or your butt,
  • Journey Through Europe, an awful game that requires defacing your game board,
  • leaving your driver’s-side mirror at a McDonald’s drive-thru,
  • Steven’s non-gaming convention curiosity getting shut down by a slow and deliberate old lady,
  • whether Pokemon Black and White are real,
  • the Pokérap

Episode 3 – Our first home-recorded episode

Listen in to learn about:

  • Megan’s thoughts on owning 100 horses,
  • Loot Crate giving away Destiny socks at PAX South 2016 as well as recently launching their new gaming-centric subscription box, Loot Gaming,
  • Our convention lineup for the year,
  • What the devil sounds like,
  • and Megan’s dog’s thoughts on our podcast