Episode 58 – The Easter Bunny Brings All the Dogs to the Yard

At last, the episode you’ve all been waiting for – Swag Tier finally brings you a full length feature about Final Fantasy Explorers.  Ok, it’s not really a “full length” feature unless you define full length as approximately 10 minutes, but that’s still one third of a 30 minute episode, which is a lot of air time for a game that is over one year old.  Other topics include:

  • the massive task of cleaning Megan’s closet;
  • the relationship between game difficulty and playability in various games;
  • and Frizbee’s first (and for her sake, hopefully last) encounter with the Easter Bunny.

Episode 20 – The illustrious digbickqt scootin’ stallions

It’s a misnomer to call us a gaming podcast. We know that no one listens to us for gaming news, they listen because we’re entertaining and have great chemistry. Case in point: we’re in the middle of E3, but talk about it for only a minute at the start and end of the episode. We’d rather talk about:

  • Megan buying KCON NY tickets while sitting at a red light;
  • Yungoos looking like Donald Trump;
  • playing Final Fantasy Explorers > KCON sponsorship > Ticketmaster sponsorship > Donald Trump sponsorship;
  • how Megan is so easily convinced to keep her cable subscription;
  • the awkward decline of E3

Episode 13 – PAX East 2016, aka memes come from the internet

In this episode, Megan and Steven begin to recap their adventures at PAX East 2016.  Tune in to hear the lowdown on:

  • Quiplash, an “all fill-in-the-blanks version of Cards Against Humanity”
  • Hot pink “cuddlestaches” given out by the ride sharing app Lyft
  • Steven’s affinity for chatting up strangers in line for convention panels by conveniently whipping out board games (and probably snacks) from his backpack
  • Where Ceiling Cat originated
  • Another action-packed developer demo of Red Flags
  • Joey’s (and Megan’s) collection of unopened/unplayed board games
  • Megan’s latest obsession with the match-3 indie game Tumblestone

Episode 8 – All Aboard the Express Train to Handheld Central

In this episode, we can’t seem to stop talking about handheld games!  We open with a tribute to the late Akira Tago, the Puzzle Master of the Professor Layton games, discuss some of our most memorable moments involving handheld systems, and we finish strong with how an ongoing obsession with fanfiction has shaped Megan into the bo-*ahem* girl she is today.

Topics in between include:

  • How New Super Mario Bros. 2 is the perfect game for anyone with an affinity for in-game collectibles
  • Why Bravely Default is no longer on Megan’s list of tentative games to buy/play
  • A throwback to Dogz and Catz, old PC games that taught Steven valuable life lessons about pet ownership
  • Frizbee’s personal YouTube channel
  • Megan’s coming out story, which were the first steps to her current dream of becoming a world-renowned author of Mamamoo fanfiction

Also, it’s still an open question whether you can make a poop level in Super Mario Maker for the Wii U.

Episode 3 – Our first home-recorded episode

Listen in to learn about:

  • Megan’s thoughts on owning 100 horses,
  • Loot Crate giving away Destiny socks at PAX South 2016 as well as recently launching their new gaming-centric subscription box, Loot Gaming,
  • Our convention lineup for the year,
  • What the devil sounds like,
  • and Megan’s dog’s thoughts on our podcast