Episode 49 – The broken episode

In this episode of Swag Tier, Megan relives a painful massage “therapy” experience where her masseur more or less broke her body, Steven tells the tale of his bus breaking down on the way to Maryland for MAGFest, and unbeknownst to our listeners who don’t read our episode descriptions, Megan accidentally deleted the audio for the last episode of Swag Tier when she uploaded the audio for this episode.  Other topics include Megan’s plans to (never) finish her Mamamoo fanfiction and Steven’s plans to volunteer at MAGFest 2017.

Episode 37 – Baby’s First Mad Libs

This week on Swag Tier, Megan and Steven decide to change things up a bit and play a little game called Mad Libs.  Join them in their adventure to hear about:

  • some of Megan’s childhood memories;
  • Steven’s bathroom pro-tip for pooping in style in public;
  • a glowing recommendation for Wizard People, Dear Reader;
  • Steven’s first (and hopefully not last) profanity slip up.

Find Mad Libs from this episode:


Mystic Messenger and Papa John’s

Episode 32 – Baking semantics 101

Megan and Steven discuss the intricate differences between baking and broiling (read: we actually have no idea what we’re talking about).  Tune in to also hear about:

  • Steven’s pride in recognizing a kpop song played in public (twice!);
  • Megan’s hope to establish the Kpop Killers, a Kpop Academy Overwatch group;
  • better than mediocre recommendations for two great indie games, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Blade Ballet;
  • Megan’s money woes, which she plans to solve by suing an ex-girlfriend.

Episode 26 – Portugal trips and Korean training

Steven returns from his trip to Portugal, and Megan returns sweaty and invigorated from her dance training at the Kpop Academy. Come learn about:

  • Portuguese Pokemon Go;
  • Portuguese pastries;
  • Korean dance training bootcamp;
  • the open invite to Megan’s dance showcase;
  • how her class was forced at knifepoint by a group of 12-year olds to learn NCT U The 7th Sense.

Episode 23 – White gurl knows some tricks

Megan and Steven pick up where they left off from last episode, filling you in with all the hot deets about KCON NY/NJ/wherever the heck this convention actually took place.  Listen in to learn:

  • about fan engagements (read: overpriced Q&A sessions + high-fives) with your favorite KCON artists;
  • how to profess your love to your Korean idol(s);
  • about “Noona Nation;”
  • and why Megan needs two copies of each Mamamoo CD.

Episode 20 – The illustrious digbickqt scootin’ stallions

It’s a misnomer to call us a gaming podcast. We know that no one listens to us for gaming news, they listen because we’re entertaining and have great chemistry. Case in point: we’re in the middle of E3, but talk about it for only a minute at the start and end of the episode. We’d rather talk about:

  • Megan buying KCON NY tickets while sitting at a red light;
  • Yungoos looking like Donald Trump;
  • playing Final Fantasy Explorers > KCON sponsorship > Ticketmaster sponsorship > Donald Trump sponsorship;
  • how Megan is so easily convinced to keep her cable subscription;
  • the awkward decline of E3

Episode 17 – Pocket Card Jockey lets Megan ride “Prancin’ Pooperz”

This episode is all about horses. 100 horses. Turns out they’re not a red flag for Megan after all.

Pocket Card Jockey - Prancin Pooperz Pocket Card Jockey - Paradin Pooperz

We also confirm that no, Beyonce does not have a blog.

Episode 12 – After which Megan spontaneously decides to attend PAX East

Steven’s plans for PAX East are dangled in front of Megan like a juicy worm, and when she bites, I reel her in so hard that she decided after the episode to buy a ticket, schedule a flight, and book a hotel. So ignore what we say in the episode: she is here with me at PAX in Boston right now!

And as mentioned, here are:

Megan and Kate

Megan and Kate

Megan, Stephanie and Kate

Megan, Stephanie and Kate

Megan, Sean and Eric

Megan, Sean and Eric

Episode 9 – It’s Worth It!

Let us bring you back to the late 90’s and 2000’s when AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) and Neopets were at the height of their popularity!  But we don’t want to shock you with such an abrupt change so quickly, so we’ll gently ease you in by allowing a seed that we planted for you in episode 8 to blossom – the story of Megan’s first girlfriend.  Throughout our travels through time, we’ll:

  • introduce you to “Meganisms,” which are Megan’s butchered versions of popular idioms
  • share some of our favorite quotes, including the origin of, “It’s worth it!”
  • reminisce about old blogging websites
  • sympathize with Megan’s traumatic Neopets experience (but only until she tells us why she deserved what she got)
  • fawn over Steven’s mad swag collecting skillz at the Neopets booth during the New York Licensing Expo
  • take it down to the Little White Church with Rebecca at PAX East 2012

Episode 8 – All Aboard the Express Train to Handheld Central

In this episode, we can’t seem to stop talking about handheld games!  We open with a tribute to the late Akira Tago, the Puzzle Master of the Professor Layton games, discuss some of our most memorable moments involving handheld systems, and we finish strong with how an ongoing obsession with fanfiction has shaped Megan into the bo-*ahem* girl she is today.

Topics in between include:

  • How New Super Mario Bros. 2 is the perfect game for anyone with an affinity for in-game collectibles
  • Why Bravely Default is no longer on Megan’s list of tentative games to buy/play
  • A throwback to Dogz and Catz, old PC games that taught Steven valuable life lessons about pet ownership
  • Frizbee’s personal YouTube channel
  • Megan’s coming out story, which were the first steps to her current dream of becoming a world-renowned author of Mamamoo fanfiction

Also, it’s still an open question whether you can make a poop level in Super Mario Maker for the Wii U.