Episode 76 – A Changing Convention Landscape

Steven discusses some upcoming changes to his regularly scheduled convention programming, and this somehow leads into what it would take to get reinvested in an MMO.

Episode 55 – A net positive?

Megan is getting back into League of Legends, and she’s trying to convince Steven to as well!  This episode includes talk about esports and the pros, MMO’s, PAX, and possible sponsorships .  This may be one of the few episodes where Megan isn’t losing sponsorships, but she’s still making enemies with her candid opinions.


Sneaky’s sister Emma trolls Travis

Megan trash talking online:

Episode 7 – Our first explicit episode

It was entirely accidental. Seriously, we’ve been trying pretty hard for the past six episodes to keep it clean. But once we made the segue from drive-thrus to erotic Amazon items, and then from zebra onesies to letting it hang out there in front of a children’s minigolf employee…we couldn’t go back.

Oh, and here’s the recalled Teletubby: