Episode 76 – A Changing Convention Landscape

Steven discusses some upcoming changes to his regularly scheduled convention programming, and this somehow leads into what it would take to get reinvested in an MMO.

Episode 74 – The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Steven and Megan discuss their unique gift giving practices, particularly around the holidays.

Apologies for the poor audio quality on Megan’s end. We’ll be looking into what caused all those background clicks so we can prevent that from happening again.

Episode 70 – The Life-Changing Magic of Throwing Your Snake Out

When Marie Kondo advised her loyal fanbase to throw out anything that doesn’t spark joy, we’re pretty sure that didn’t include accidentally throwing out a beloved slithery family member. Join Megan and Steven in this episode of Swag Tier where they talk about lost (and found!) snakes and pooping in the forest.

Episode 68 – House Guests

Steven and Megan discuss some uninvited fuzzy house guests and a Korean culture convention/trade show scheduled for November that might turn out to be a scam.

Possum looking for his naked wings.
Raccoon hoping to partake in some naked wings as well.

Episode 62 – Things that make you squirm

In this episode of Swag Tier, Megan and Steven somehow manage to spend almost an entire half hour talking about bugs.  And not even software bugs!  Literally, creepy/crawly/scuttle-y bugs.  Tune in to hear about silverfish gangs, bug-squashings gone wrong, and a unique approach to ignoring a colony of ants in your apartment.

Episode 59 – Swag Tier’s stamp of approval for Interphex

In this episode of Swag Tier, Steven talks about non-gaming conventions he has attended at Megan’s favorite convention center, the Jacob Javits Center.  Tune in to hear how Steven manages to learn about biomedical and pharmaceutical manufacturing, eat freshly baked cookies, and win contests all in one day!

INTERPHEX, the premier pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device development and manufacturing event where you can “Experience Science through Commercialization”.

New York Build Expo, the leading construction & design expo to focus exclusively on projects across New York City.

Episode 58 – The Easter Bunny Brings All the Dogs to the Yard

At last, the episode you’ve all been waiting for – Swag Tier finally brings you a full length feature about Final Fantasy Explorers.  Ok, it’s not really a “full length” feature unless you define full length as approximately 10 minutes, but that’s still one third of a 30 minute episode, which is a lot of air time for a game that is over one year old.  Other topics include:

  • the massive task of cleaning Megan’s closet;
  • the relationship between game difficulty and playability in various games;
  • and Frizbee’s first (and for her sake, hopefully last) encounter with the Easter Bunny.

Episode 55 – A net positive?

Megan is getting back into League of Legends, and she’s trying to convince Steven to as well!  This episode includes talk about esports and the pros, MMO’s, PAX, and possible sponsorships .  This may be one of the few episodes where Megan isn’t losing sponsorships, but she’s still making enemies with her candid opinions.


Sneaky’s sister Emma trolls Travis

Megan trash talking online: