Episode 72 – That’s What Apologies Are For

In this stage performance-heavy episode, we cover the Buffy in the Buff burlesque show in NYC and the Lovelyz concert at K-Content LA. Maybe we should have named this episode Buffy and Bias?

Episode 50 – Where Megan realizes her girlfriend is cool

We continue debriefing about MAGFest, with a cameo from Smath stealing some of the thunder from the panel that Megan, Caitlin, and their friend Carrie hosted: LGBT+ Gaming – Where we are, where we can go, and how we can get there. Tune in to hear how it went!

Episode 28 – Steven’s 20 pound swag bag

Steven recaps his swag haul from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit in New York City.  Other topics of discussion include:

  • Megan’s (strong) dislike of sriracha;
  • the compelling stories and strong characters in Mr. Robot and Death Note;
  • Steven’s desk setup that ensures he doesn’t need to get up for anything other than going to the bathroom.

Episode 23 – White gurl knows some tricks

Megan and Steven pick up where they left off from last episode, filling you in with all the hot deets about KCON NY/NJ/wherever the heck this convention actually took place.  Listen in to learn:

  • about fan engagements (read: overpriced Q&A sessions + high-fives) with your favorite KCON artists;
  • how to profess your love to your Korean idol(s);
  • about “Noona Nation;”
  • and why Megan needs two copies of each Mamamoo CD.

Episode 13 – PAX East 2016, aka memes come from the internet

In this episode, Megan and Steven begin to recap their adventures at PAX East 2016.  Tune in to hear the lowdown on:

  • Quiplash, an “all fill-in-the-blanks version of Cards Against Humanity”
  • Hot pink “cuddlestaches” given out by the ride sharing app Lyft
  • Steven’s affinity for chatting up strangers in line for convention panels by conveniently whipping out board games (and probably snacks) from his backpack
  • Where Ceiling Cat originated
  • Another action-packed developer demo of Red Flags
  • Joey’s (and Megan’s) collection of unopened/unplayed board games
  • Megan’s latest obsession with the match-3 indie game Tumblestone

Episode 10 – New York International Auto Show

Join Steven as he recaps the NY Auto Show, where he saw:

  • Geico having an absurdly difficult series of games with high score barriers to win their swag
  • NY Auto Show dealers room = QVC IRL
  • Megan going into elaborate detail about her Shamwow car wash milkshake yard fantasy
  • Varying levels of booth babes – and what the ideal booth babe is (it isn’t what you think!)

We also cover:

  • Steven failing miserably at Assassin’s Creed 3 trivia to win a hatchet, until he has a Sherlock moment
  • How to become MLG
  • Megan’s introduction to 360 noscoping