Episode 70 – The Life-Changing Magic of Throwing Your Snake Out

When Marie Kondo advised her loyal fanbase to throw out anything that doesn’t spark joy, we’re pretty sure that didn’t include accidentally throwing out a beloved slithery family member. Join Megan and Steven in this episode of Swag Tier where they talk about lost (and found!) snakes and pooping in the forest.

Episode 52 – Snake! Snake! Oh, it’s a snake!

For this episode of Swag Tier, Caitlin joins Megan and Steven to tell them about her first experience attending PAX South.  Other topics include:

  • a story Steven crafted for Caitlin using Rory’s Story Cubes where he was voluntold to include snakes as protagonists;
  • Caitlin’s failed attempts to acquire swag at PAX South;
  • Steven’s first experience as a PAX Exhibitor;
  • how Megan and Caitlin almost ditched a night out with friends to stay home and play Overcooked in their pajamas.