Episode 70 – The Life-Changing Magic of Throwing Your Snake Out

When Marie Kondo advised her loyal fanbase to throw out anything that doesn’t spark joy, we’re pretty sure that didn’t include accidentally throwing out a beloved slithery family member. Join Megan and Steven in this episode of Swag Tier where they talk about lost (and found!) snakes and pooping in the forest.

Episode 54 – My horse curse

In this episode of Swag Tier, Megan and Steven review the popular mobile dating sim, My Horse Prince.  Ok, it’s really Megan who does the review and Steven who asks questions and paints hypothetical situations (because let’s be real, Megan is the only one crazy enough to actually play a dating sim about a horse).  But they both come to the same conclusion – that My Horse Prince deserves the rating of one steaming pile of horse poop.  Other topics include some insight into Steven’s food adventures in Budapest and weird apps in the Google Play Store.


Buzzfeed’s review of My Horse Prince (complete with screenshots)

Funny Videos by Lourdes Lopera