Episode 72 – That’s What Apologies Are For

In this stage performance-heavy episode, we cover the Buffy in the Buff burlesque show in NYC and the Lovelyz concert at K-Content LA. Maybe we should have named this episode Buffy and Bias?

Episode 68 – House Guests

Steven and Megan discuss some uninvited fuzzy house guests and a Korean culture convention/trade show scheduled for November that might turn out to be a scam.

Possum looking for his naked wings.
Raccoon hoping to partake in some naked wings as well.

Episode 54 – My horse curse

In this episode of Swag Tier, Megan and Steven review the popular mobile dating sim, My Horse Prince.  Ok, it’s really Megan who does the review and Steven who asks questions and paints hypothetical situations (because let’s be real, Megan is the only one crazy enough to actually play a dating sim about a horse).  But they both come to the same conclusion – that My Horse Prince deserves the rating of one steaming pile of horse poop.  Other topics include some insight into Steven’s food adventures in Budapest and weird apps in the Google Play Store.


Buzzfeed’s review of My Horse Prince (complete with screenshots)

Funny Videos by Lourdes Lopera

Episode 51 – Under the sea

Join Megan and Steven as Megan recounts a recent visit to Caitlin’s mom’s house that almost ended in a trip to the emergency vet, and Steven gives us the lowdown on his PAX South 2017 volunteering schedule.  Other topics include:

  • which team Caitlin’s family would be if they were in a Pokemon game;
  • Megan’s hopes and dreams that Nexon’s unannounced MOBA title will turn out to be League of Kpop;
  • and an executive summary of an old Gawker article about an unfortunate calamari-eating experience.

Episode 43 – Unconventional approaches

Megan never does anything by the book.

  • Why perform a Kpop song you’ve practiced, when you could perform one you’ve never done?
  • Why play a game enthusiastically, when you could sleep through it while your girlfriend patiently and politely says nothing as your character walks into a wall for five minutes?
  • Why have riveting dialogue, when you could have awkward localizations?
  • Why have empowering characters, when you could just tell the woman in your party to cook while the men are off fighting?

Episode 37 – Baby’s First Mad Libs

This week on Swag Tier, Megan and Steven decide to change things up a bit and play a little game called Mad Libs.  Join them in their adventure to hear about:

  • some of Megan’s childhood memories;
  • Steven’s bathroom pro-tip for pooping in style in public;
  • a glowing recommendation for Wizard People, Dear Reader;
  • Steven’s first (and hopefully not last) profanity slip up.

Find Mad Libs from this episode:


Mystic Messenger and Papa John’s

Episode 36 – Market trading > racing

Megan gives a recap of her performance at last weekend’s Korus Festival and then prompts an awkward segue into game talk.  Tune in to hear about:

  • Twitch Prime, which is free for Amazon Prime subscribers – link your Twitch and Amazon Prime accounts by November 5th to get free digital swag;
  • Steven’s first mediocre recommendation, a follow up to Megan’s first mediocre recommendation back in episode 27;
  • Megan’s dying obsession with Bejeweled Blitz;
  • the two latest Mii Plaza/StreetPass games, Slot Car Racers and Market Crashers.

And as promised, don’t forget to check out the Beyonce clown video.

Episode 35 – How sure is 99.9999% sure?

From a bizarre Canadian ski trip, to a seemingly widespread distaste for people who haven’t seen the Disney movie Hocus Pocus, to a ridiculous Google search that somehow still yielded the desired results, to discussing old school RPG’s, this episode is packed full of stories, nostalgia, and inside jokes!  Tune in to also hear about:

  • Megan’s latest kpop performance at the 2016 Korus Festival;
  • Megan almost crapping her pants about the factual accuracy of Disney properties;
  • an executive summary of the Disney Channel Original Movie, How to Build a Better Boy;
  • and Steven’s latest obsession with the free to play trading card/tactics game, Duelyst – be sure to check out Jumbo Bundle 7 from Humble Bundle for 20 free card packs (a $30 value!), and use Steven’s username as a referral: thisrandomguy


Episode 32 – Baking semantics 101

Megan and Steven discuss the intricate differences between baking and broiling (read: we actually have no idea what we’re talking about).  Tune in to also hear about:

  • Steven’s pride in recognizing a kpop song played in public (twice!);
  • Megan’s hope to establish the Kpop Killers, a Kpop Academy Overwatch group;
  • better than mediocre recommendations for two great indie games, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Blade Ballet;
  • Megan’s money woes, which she plans to solve by suing an ex-girlfriend.

Episode 29 – Bring it on, Korea!

We’re here with the first in-person episode since our first two episodes recorded in a hotel room at PAX South! Steven is visiting Megan to be there for her Kpop Academy showcase performance, so this was recorded at her home on opposite sides of the same mic. We talk about what it was like to apply, how it felt to be part of this free five-week bootcamp, and the creation of her group “Megan and the Mamamoos” “Five by Five”. (Not to be confused with f(x).)