Episode 58 – The Easter Bunny Brings All the Dogs to the Yard

At last, the episode you’ve all been waiting for – Swag Tier finally brings you a full length feature about Final Fantasy Explorers.  Ok, it’s not really a “full length” feature unless you define full length as approximately 10 minutes, but that’s still one third of a 30 minute episode, which is a lot of air time for a game that is over one year old.  Other topics include:

  • the massive task of cleaning Megan’s closet;
  • the relationship between game difficulty and playability in various games;
  • and Frizbee’s first (and for her sake, hopefully last) encounter with the Easter Bunny.

Episode 52 – Snake! Snake! Oh, it’s a snake!

For this episode of Swag Tier, Caitlin joins Megan and Steven to tell them about her first experience attending PAX South.  Other topics include:

  • a story Steven crafted for Caitlin using Rory’s Story Cubes where he was voluntold to include snakes as protagonists;
  • Caitlin’s failed attempts to acquire swag at PAX South;
  • Steven’s first experience as a PAX Exhibitor;
  • how Megan and Caitlin almost ditched a night out with friends to stay home and play Overcooked in their pajamas.

Episode 33 – The passive aggressive art of cleaning up

In the latest episode of Swag Tier, Steven recaps his adventures at the 2016 Boston Festival of Indie Games, otherwise known as Boston FIG.  Tune in to hear about:

  • Steven’s top 5 Boston FIG games, Sad Hill Cemetery, Stage Fright, Insane Traffic, Ten Candles, and Clean Up Your Room!;
  • Megan’s mom’s terrible driving;
  • the origin of last episode’s big debate, “easy as pie;”
  • and Megan’s (crazy) neighbor’s passive aggressive attempts to get her to clean her messy house.

Other mentions:

Episode 32 – Baking semantics 101

Megan and Steven discuss the intricate differences between baking and broiling (read: we actually have no idea what we’re talking about).  Tune in to also hear about:

  • Steven’s pride in recognizing a kpop song played in public (twice!);
  • Megan’s hope to establish the Kpop Killers, a Kpop Academy Overwatch group;
  • better than mediocre recommendations for two great indie games, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime and Blade Ballet;
  • Megan’s money woes, which she plans to solve by suing an ex-girlfriend.

Episode 19 – The ASMR episode

In this episode, Megan and Steven take you on an ASMR journey as they discuss:

  • Megan’s attempt to hide her inappropriate Pocket Card Jockey horse names from her seatmates on a cross-country flight;
  • Her Story, a non-linear crime fiction game by Sam Barlow;
  • More games that they buy and either don’t finish or don’t play at all (bye bye, sponsorships!);
  • Eye fatigue, and the dreaded “air puff” exam at the eye doctor;
  • Their plans to monetize their own custom sound boards.

Episode 13 – PAX East 2016, aka memes come from the internet

In this episode, Megan and Steven begin to recap their adventures at PAX East 2016.  Tune in to hear the lowdown on:

  • Quiplash, an “all fill-in-the-blanks version of Cards Against Humanity”
  • Hot pink “cuddlestaches” given out by the ride sharing app Lyft
  • Steven’s affinity for chatting up strangers in line for convention panels by conveniently whipping out board games (and probably snacks) from his backpack
  • Where Ceiling Cat originated
  • Another action-packed developer demo of Red Flags
  • Joey’s (and Megan’s) collection of unopened/unplayed board games
  • Megan’s latest obsession with the match-3 indie game Tumblestone